Jun 03, 2021
The exorbitant prices of prescription drugs is a common theme in our articles. After all, it is our mission to help our customers make their prescription drug payments more manageable through accessing discounts and coupons for hundreds of popular prescription medications.
It’s no secret that there can be a huge disparity in the prices you can pay for prescription drugs depending on where you are getting them from. And as you are probably well aware [prescription drug prices can get very high, especially when you are obtaining multiple prescription drugs. But here’s the thing, you don’t necessarily have to go by those prices and those prices alone. There are also several steps you can implement to help you potentially save hundreds of dollars on your prescription medications. All it takes is being empowered with a little more information and savvy, so you can be smart and save on your prescription drugs.
So, we have put together a guide below for you to learn all the ways in which you can potentially save on your prescription payments.
While you may think that it's preferable to obtain your prescription drugs from the pharmacy that is most convenient to you at the time, keeping your prescriptions relegated to one pharmacy is a smarter practice. Why make it harder for yourself by scattering your prescriptions amongst a bunch of different pharmacies? And sticking to one pharmacy is not only a good idea for your prescription drugs, but also for any vitamins and supplements you intend to take. Many pharmacies participate in discount programs, in which the more you purchase the more you can put towards discounts on future purchases, so while the discounts may not count towards your prescription drugs, they can be very helpful in facilitating savings on future payments of over the counter products such as vitamins and supplements.
You also may not have taken this into consideration, but your pharmacist needs to be aware of all the medications you are taking to prevent any potentially dangerous drug interactions. This can be challenging for your pharmacist if you’re picking up one prescription in one place and then a different one at another location. So, it’s not only easier for you, but it’s ultimately easier for your pharmacist too, if you stick to one pharmacy.
Depending on the prescription drug you need and the coverage your particular insurance plan offers for it, it may make more sense financially to pay out-of-pocket for certain drugs. Ask your pharmacist what the prices will be of your prescription drug if you paid without using your insurance plan vs with your coverage. For certain generic drugs that it can really pay to purchase them out-of-pocket as they are so low priced that they are even less expensive than the cost of your pharmacy co-pay. Remember, however you simply need to ask your pharmacist, as by default they will usually otherwise go by the price of what the medicairton will cost you with your insurance coverage included.
So, you seem to have an exorbitantly high deductible insurance plan and believe there is probably no hope that you can save on your prescription drugs? Well, thanks to new federal processes, you may be able to find lower costs for certain medications such as ones that treat heart disease or diabetes, and you may be able to take advantage of these lower costs even before you meet the requirements of your insurance deductible. Keep in mind that the introduction of lower cost payment models is a relatively new addition to the prescription drug industry, and has only started being implemented recently this year.
If you feel that the prices you are paying on your prescription drugs are too high out-of-pocket or with your insurance, there is another outlet you can pursue to potentially find savings on your prescription medication payments. Websites like CareCard.co offer coupons on hundreds of common prescription drugs, so whatever prescription medication you are looking for, you are likely to find a coupon you can use to save on it using our extensive directory of medication coupons.